

[主要演员]:陳奕珊 燕燕 燕燕 张燕英 张燕英 许绮丽 许绮丽 林楚芬 林楚芬






As parents, we always have high expectations for our children’s education. We want them to excel in school and achieve their full potential. However, sometimes parents can be too pushy or strict with their children, which can have negative consequences. In my opinion, the key to successful parenting is to strike a balance between pushing and allowing children to explore and learn independently.
Firstly, parents need to set clear goals for their children’s education. They should identify their children’s strengths and weaknesses and help them improve in areas where they are weak. At the same time, parents should also encourage their children to pursue their interests and hobbies. This will help them to develop their skills and talents in different areas.
Secondly, parents need to provide their children with a stable and loving home environment. Children should feel safe and secure in their home, and they should be able to express their thoughts and feelings to their parents. Parents should also make sure that their children are well-fed and well-rested, as this will help them to concentrate better in school.
Thirdly, parents need to set realistic expectations for their children. They should understand that each child is different and has their own unique talents and abilities. Therefore, parents need to adjust their expectations according to their children’s abilities and achievements. At the same time, parents should also encourage their children to set goals for themselves and help them to achieve those goals.
In conclusion, successful parenting requires a balance between pushing and allowing children to explore and learn independently. Parents need to set clear goals for their children’s education, provide them with a stable and loving home environment, and set realistic expectations for them. By doing so, parents can help their children to achieve their full potential and become successful individuals in the future.

